Course Description
Learn from the OG’s of NFT and Blockchain Gaming. Are you interested in Art, Design, Collectables, Music, and Intellectual property? Meet Casmir the smartest trailblazer in the blockchain NFT space! How did Casmir learn about NFT's? What's the start of Casmir's career? And what motivated Casmir? Learn more about Non-Fungible Tokens. John Wolff is an incredible founder of UE Games. He personally taught Nina Blankenship (Co-Founder of Crypto Tutors) about AR with NFT's! John is Black and is fluent in Japanese! Very impressive as his company is live as the first company to launch an AR game (@TontachiAR) on the Blockchain that integrates with NFT's. Want to learn more about the NFT economy? Tap into this awesome convo with Iris Nevins, a trailblazer in the NFT ecosystem. Iris Nevins (@Cosmosiris on Twitter) strives to empower minorities in the NFT space. Iris is co-founder of Umba Daima, an African Art Gallery featuring Black artists from all over the globe. Iris is also co-founder of the media and community brand, Black NFT Art. An artist collective with the mission of empowering Black people in the NFT space. Want to learn more about NFT’s? Sign up for tutoring with Maddie, Crypto Tutors NFT Tutor who pays her monthly rent from NFT sales. Maddie comes from an animation background and is not a coder. If you are looking for a NFT/Metaverse tutor with a developer background please sign up for tutoring with Tavonia Evans the founder of Guap Coin.